Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Oh No!!! I am super tiny

One day, I want to take the book that on the locker because the locker is too high, so I put some book under it and step on it, but later I fall down and lost my mind. When I walk up I see the book I take become super big, and I can see a giant trash can beside me, that why I know I become super small.

First thing I want to do is go to Steven Liu’s house and go in his all video game and take away the component and he will think who did it and blame on K.C, then K.C got punish. Second thing I want to do is I will tell my brother that I become so small and don’t tell anybody and I will tell my brother take out his helicopter and I will go in and he can control it. I also want to found the car and control it. Then I will tell my brother to bring me a soda, so I can dive in and swimming and drink the soda.

Third thing I will to do is go to K.C’s house and I will go in his brain and I can’t see a cockpit and control him to do bad thing. I will control him to use the baseball bat to hit the teacher and smack Steven Liu’s computer by the chair he will be so died that he can ever apology. Fourth thing I want to do is go to Alex’s house to see his homework answer, and I can get A+, that will be so cool.

Fifth thing I will want to do I will want to make my own super small chain gun; I want to use it to kill (Beeb).

After that I kind of feel tired and I want to sleep on my tiny bed, suddenly I hear someone keep wake me up, and I say shut up, and wake up and want to kill that person, and I wake up. I back to my regular size, and I see my brother is waking me up, and I beat him up and sit down and read my book, but I still think about that dream that was a super interesting dream. The End


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